my brains chatterings
I think
marshmallows are leprechaun boogers.
They come in shapes
pink hearts(bloody nose)
yellow moons (sinus infection)
green clovers (default booger for leprechauns)
blue diamonds (the guys got drug problems or not taking his Viagra orally)
rainbows (depending on the leprehaun, a pride booger or all chakras represented in one karmic booger)
I want to see this commercial..
kids: theres lucky lets get him!
Lucky: these kids always after me lucky charms!
kids: they got marshmallows in em.
Lucky: Marshmallows? Is that what you call em then? shucks kids! them are me boogers? you guys eat those?
Kids: stare glazed uh.umm
I laugh at myself
because the thought of people pleasing a therapist is just .. another reason to go to endless therapy sessions...or maybe not- what do you think is the best answer? really ? are you sure? cause' I can edit this part of the post if you don't like it.
If a mans pants are tight and he get excited in them will the pants become tight enough that it cuts off circulation and the man faints? If this is possible could the man loose the use of his legs? is there any documentation on this from like disco or hair metal era?
There is no reason i can think of for a man to wear a belly chain. picture that. see? none. you can double the wrongness of that with the man as having a furry belly . Thats just painful to envision. Painful for the hairy man as well he does not want to be in your imagination like that. the only reason a man could pull off this bad fashion idear- maybe if he is a leprechaun with a prideful rainbow booger. but still. come on.
I always think that nature experiences with wild life are God waving at me. You know when you see a squirrel or something and hes right there just checkin ya out and you say something like, "hey squirrel your tail is really cool it makes you look all fast and athletic." "You are one awesome squirrel I hope your day is nutty." and the squirrel or whatever beastie it may be is all, " well if you ain't gonna eat me ill eye ya a bit and twitch my freaking awesome tail for you son of Adam..."
"how you like me now? then the beastie takes off.'
I've not ever thrown a shoe at a cat wailing on my fence. that's not really spiritual though.
I actually saw two owls in the throws of passion once. their eyes all big like they were busted...they had been hooting for a while...well, a long while, I thought it was boo hoo not hoot hoot, So i went out doors with a flash light. I heard a rustling in the trees and bam! hoot hoot- its not what you think- hoot!!!! she had something in her eye hoot hoot!!
man the two of em took off in the process- the wing span was majestic!! i felt bad for i would like to see a baby owl. owls are cool.
thanks for hearin me.
this is a good record...

marshmallows are leprechaun boogers.
They come in shapes
pink hearts(bloody nose)
yellow moons (sinus infection)
green clovers (default booger for leprechauns)
blue diamonds (the guys got drug problems or not taking his Viagra orally)
rainbows (depending on the leprehaun, a pride booger or all chakras represented in one karmic booger)
I want to see this commercial..
kids: theres lucky lets get him!
Lucky: these kids always after me lucky charms!
kids: they got marshmallows in em.
Lucky: Marshmallows? Is that what you call em then? shucks kids! them are me boogers? you guys eat those?
Kids: stare glazed uh.umm
I laugh at myself
because the thought of people pleasing a therapist is just .. another reason to go to endless therapy sessions...or maybe not- what do you think is the best answer? really ? are you sure? cause' I can edit this part of the post if you don't like it.
If a mans pants are tight and he get excited in them will the pants become tight enough that it cuts off circulation and the man faints? If this is possible could the man loose the use of his legs? is there any documentation on this from like disco or hair metal era?
There is no reason i can think of for a man to wear a belly chain. picture that. see? none. you can double the wrongness of that with the man as having a furry belly . Thats just painful to envision. Painful for the hairy man as well he does not want to be in your imagination like that. the only reason a man could pull off this bad fashion idear- maybe if he is a leprechaun with a prideful rainbow booger. but still. come on.
I always think that nature experiences with wild life are God waving at me. You know when you see a squirrel or something and hes right there just checkin ya out and you say something like, "hey squirrel your tail is really cool it makes you look all fast and athletic." "You are one awesome squirrel I hope your day is nutty." and the squirrel or whatever beastie it may be is all, " well if you ain't gonna eat me ill eye ya a bit and twitch my freaking awesome tail for you son of Adam..."
"how you like me now? then the beastie takes off.'
I've not ever thrown a shoe at a cat wailing on my fence. that's not really spiritual though.
I actually saw two owls in the throws of passion once. their eyes all big like they were busted...they had been hooting for a while...well, a long while, I thought it was boo hoo not hoot hoot, So i went out doors with a flash light. I heard a rustling in the trees and bam! hoot hoot- its not what you think- hoot!!!! she had something in her eye hoot hoot!!
man the two of em took off in the process- the wing span was majestic!! i felt bad for i would like to see a baby owl. owls are cool.
thanks for hearin me.
this is a good record...