
I don't usually watch the news on television. I really never have that much. I used to watch it once a week just to keep things in check. Over the last few years or so, I notice I don't watch it for months. I accept that the news will go on whether I keep it in "check" or not.
After "fasting" from the news for so long, occasionally I will be somewhere where the news is on. It makes its message known and I hear it and its ...its ...all dysfunctional. I notice news pointing out these really negative things, woman throws children from a bridge, is a celebrity pregnant, American Idol, steroids,robbery , killing...It all seems to be really negative and gossipy. back biting. I don't think Id like living close to news people. What do they talk about at dinner?
" Local neighbors the Williams are still making vain attempts to potty train their three year old as well as two aging cats..." or
Neighbor Williams fertilized their lawn, spilling multiple toxins into our ground water supply, TheWilliam family are responsible for many of the dangers that face our neighborhoods' serene climate today."
Suddenly we are chased around by photographers and exploited out of context doing normal things.
This morning the news was on my television when I woke was chatter in the background over my kids rustling to eat and go to school. My wife watches news sometimes. Mainly to see the weather it informs her how to dress the mini us's for school. The wife like sports a lot too. I do when I watch it but thats another entry I suppose. Sorry, Like I was saying the news was on in my house nd its early morning and they are showing pictures of little kids and announcing birthdays. That was news to me. I didnt know anyone presented but, how cool is it that a kid had a moment on TV like that that!!!
Radio news, I wont pay for satellite radio. I take pleasure in finding new and luxurious music on my own. Ill put links down at the end for my personal stash of net radio goodness. Its usually a barrage of commercials. I hear and I know songs I do not like because some stations shove crap down your brain so much. examples of song I know but hate do beating a dead horse airplay, most everything in an 80s catalog,
Dirty laundry Don Henley (this song does support my news views Ill give it that)
A huge amount of Phil collins with and without Genesis.
Listening to air of night is like watching Passion of the Christ over and over.
We Belong Pat Benetar
Wait White lion
Runnin down a dream Tom Petty
Hotel California Eagles..the bass line over and over and over, Like a sweater that someone keeps knitting and knitting and ...
any how..I get hit with news On the radio. If i get the urge I go to NPR far left of the dial. it seems unbiased. Listening to a disc jockey debate publicly polotics is really just a complaint session. Mainly of right wing people complaining about Left wing people OR Left wing people complaining about Right wing people.
so I dont trust the news. I dont think its giving me much I can use in a positive way
most of it is a beat down at the begining of the day, Middle of the day and the end of the day.
Luxuria music
Hype Machine
this one is getting corperate, I think Clear"satan" Channel bought it..
Indie 103.1 out of LA + OC
The best really if you can catch it is Jonesey's Jukebox
Heres some tunage...
Tommorrow People
Grandaddy On Dodge
Dallas Band Tommorrow people~SomethingforJoey.MP3