This is nu to me, Did you Know aboout this?!!!
Im runnin 2 weeks behind posting this stuff but heres some nuggets from around7/25/07 hope you like, leave comments! hate mail! bad puns!
Born Again Floozies "theme"
This bands name says it all. I mean aren't we all born again floozies? deep huh?
This group consisist of:
Charlie Krone on the Slide Trombone - lead trombone, lead other stuff
Amy Gilmore - Lead Tap Dancer #2, shouting, exuberance
Nancy Moore - lead backing vocalist and cymbal smasher extrordinaire
Elizabeth Milliken - lead tap dancer, finger cymbalist, wood blocker
Ben Vokits - lead tuba
Joey Welch - guitar, vocals, suitcase
I want to see this spectacle live If R.Crumb was in the area Id gladly pay his way as well.

The Octopus Project ~ I saw the Bright Shineys
I like the tippier things in life: wierd color combos loud orange and lime green and pink,garlic stuffed olives,Yoga its all good. I like a nice variety. This song has a theramin some songs ARE NOT GOOD WITH A THERAMIN this example is!Reminds me of a nice mid day nap, and waking to all thats good in my reach.Art work is sweet too. This tune is electronic and acoustic and all kinds of nice groove. Again ill mention with all this huge wall of sound they hypnotize you with a theramin. I like it a lot my new morning show theme, if I had a morning show.
Caribou ~ Melody Day
tasty Canadian socialists art rock formaly known as Manitoba.this song has a deep woodsy bouquet ...thick wall of brown sound with a nice powder blue whispery female vox. This is a style I really enjoy rain or shine loud all elements here combined and firing at once very good aural experience.
Glass Candy ~ Night Nurses
If you get a craving for the smuttier, dirtier side of disco thats not usually heard on your typical clear channel oldies station...Then you need to hear this ...filthy tone seedy singing ...I have to hide the album art from my mom, she'll for sure tell me the men in my family do not go out with these types.
Juliette and the licks ~ Sticky Honey
This is Juliette's band. Acting and Rawking are two different mediums.Im gunna go off on the rawkin. I have a spot in my heart for old glammy bubble gum, I have a larger area in my heart when that same music is regurgitated with testicular mammoth punch kick, sex and fashion from many pop directions,a nice beat gives a dangerous you could flick a knife open and shut a girl walk away to. You slip in a singer with a confident presence, unpredictable face and tude with a heapin' bowl a sexy on top of all this its some good rawk if ya ask me. I think a genius tour would be the Licks with Eagles of Death Metal
so the band sounds tight,infectious, catchy hook, Then you got this singer, its nice that there are female singers that are not from American Idol. It's nice this isntat all like many other celebrities attempt at seriously rockin', look here and here... Yeah I'm gonna purchase The Licks album in some medium, I may go see it live, I like bands with a girl front but im particular. I like that Juliette has a great presence too. she flows from angry head banger looking moves to a yoga master in a convulsion,to looking like she may crack up. Thats a good thing - you don't know whats coming next like Morrison but without too much death and mother raping. This is rock n roll people its all right to me.
Turbo Fruits ~ Know too Much:
interesting, young noise is refreshing this sounds like waves, rhythmic waves crashing fluid yet abrupt ..and they holler' over the top of this massive flow. These guys get some good cardio in on this number fast pace to the bridge breathe, float, and sprint again. LOOSLEY TIGHT! These guys go into a lot about getting baked on their website. You could even win a Bionic bong I used to not mind this BUT, well I used to dig 311. I was in band and we loved the album music. When 311 hit it big a few albums later they were getting interviewed by these really big magazines, They were asked about the recording process. This was a musicians mag so you figure they'd give some recording geeky tech stuff about tone or effects maybe. Nope they just went into an elaborate deal about getting high. Like how they were so high that they lost their bong, then they went on about how great the record sounded. but even said they hed to remix before release because they were high and needed to be sure...???
Transistor was released. I thought it sucked. I listened a few times , yeah the tone was thick, but the songs were weak. I tried listening again and again..I think I traded it on LALA a while a go NEAR MINT but for the shrink wrap being taken off. So i think its sad that a band pushes that stuff instead of the music. It ain't my band, but when I hear one I like loose that edge...its a heartbreak. Turbo Fruits is so far so good id rather get a guitar signed by the band or some type of system that would help me grow fantastic tomatoes.
Concrete Blonde ~ Joey
1989. 17 years ago. wow good stuff. um I bought this CD back when, and I remember it being on an episode of Beverly Hills 90210. The dude that was the DJ? the little guy? Well he played it on his High School Dj show. I don't know man , no school I went to let ANY student have free reign over music that would go out over the school public address system. I hated that show and I didn't really get friends either all but for that really great theme song ? did Vince Neil solo band write that Friends Ill be there for you theme song?
If you look at the frosty lens video and camera angles on the Joey Video...I believe everything from this era up till 93' was shot EXACTLY like this. personally VH1 I hate the 80s and see no need to relive any thing about it before 86, wait I did like ">thrash metal...
working on a new list till then...